Posted in Feelings, Girl Alone, Happy, Happy, Innocence, Life, love, Positive, Uncategorized

Living it Up: Solo Weekend Bliss…

There are plenty of enjoyable activities for singles to do over the weekend. Here are some ideas:

  1. Explore Nature: Take a hike, go for a bike ride, or simply enjoy a leisurely stroll in a nearby park or nature reserve. Being in nature can be refreshing and rejuvenating.

2. Attend a Local Event: Check out local events happening in your area, such as art exhibits, concerts, farmers markets, or community festivals. It’s a great way to meet new people and immerse yourself in your community.

3. Try a New Hobby: Use the weekend to explore a new hobby or activity that interests you, whether it’s painting, cooking, photography, or dancing. You can take a class or simply experiment on your own.

4. Visit Museums or Galleries: Spend some time exploring museums, art galleries, or historical sites in your area. It can be both educational and inspiring.

5. Host a Game Night: Invite friends over for a fun game night filled with board games, card games, or video games. It’s a great way to socialize and have some laughs.

6. Volunteer: Dedicate some time to giving back to your community by volunteering at a local charity or organization. Not only will you be helping others, but you’ll also feel a sense of fulfillment and purpose.

7. Take Yourself on a Date: Treat yourself to a solo date at a nice restaurant, café, or movie theater. Enjoy your own company and indulge in something you love.

8. Exercise: Get active by going for a run, practicing yoga, or hitting the gym. Exercise is not only good for your physical health but also for your mental well-being.

9. Explore Your City: Take a day to be a tourist in your own city. Visit landmarks, try out new restaurants, or simply wander around and discover hidden gems.

10. Relax and Unwind: Sometimes, the best weekend plans involve simply relaxing at home. Treat yourself to a spa day, binge-watch your favorite TV shows, or curl up with a good book.

These tips are applicable not just to girls but also to boys. Remember, the most important thing is to do what makes you happy and fulfilled. Whether you prefer to spend your weekend alone or with friends, there are plenty of options to make the most of your time.

Posted in Happy, Happy, Life, love

Hope… Life… Hope…

“When faced with challenges, choose to build a home with the stones life provides instead of dwelling on their presence. It’s wiser to seek shelter under a roof than to endure homelessness. In times of difficulty, cling to hope; it will bring a glimmer of positivity amid the initial suffering. Persevere and hold on, for the mysteries of life may unfold unexpected blessings in the end.”

Posted in Feelings, Happy, Happy, Life, love, Positive, Uncategorized


We all have a mindset… when comes to inspiration…
Here I say we all say I am inspired by this person I am inspired by that person he is my role model and she is my role model… How sweet… One person can change many people’s life… It’s awesome right…

But I am not here to speak about my role model or anyone… I am going to tell you something which may help you… Let us start… Just think about this moment of your life are you happy about your life? Or sad? Depressed? Work Stressed? Personal Issues? If you are happy you feel lucky but if you have issues you feel like… No, my life is done always problems why it always happens only to me right?

Let us think about our life before 5 years now…. maybe 2 years or even 1 year… Think slowly and rewind all the best and worst things of your life for a few seconds… You survived everything you handled everything by yourself or with the help of others which doesn’t matter but you got it… So only you are present in this moment right now reading this…

You are your own role model and inspiration of your life… Everyone has problems but we always find a way to solve it and run towards happiness no matter what… Just for a few seconds at least inspire, admire yourself for all your efforts, hard works, smart work, and everything accomplished by you… Instead of comparing with other people and think I never accomplish anything in my life… Don’t compare yourself with anyone you are unique in every way than others

You are just awesome like your role model or the person who inspires you… Be positive and be happy… Show love and kindness to all…

Have a Great Day Ahead…

Posted in Happy, Life, love, Positive, Uncategorized


It is too much of a crowd we couldn’t breathe properly…
It is not people crowd, it is not traffic… Our mind is crowded with thoughts… We couldn’t get rid of…
Not only the physical crowd suffocates you, mental crowd, as well…
What we will do to relieve us from a crowded place where we are not comfortable?
We will make our way out of those crowd it included pushing and pulling of some people… Do we hesitate and suffer no… We will find our way out no matter what the same… Trying to push out of the feelings which makes us uncomfortable and suffocates and pulling the thoughts which make us go on our way helps to clear the mind…
We do overthink some times… that is when we feel like we are not able to breathe because of tightly packed space… after coming out of a crowd we feel easy to breathe and relieved and when we think back again why we were in that crowd in the first place our answer “Don’t Know” It doesn’t worth it… The time we waste in overthinking is the precious time of our life to have fun and laugh…
We always find our way out… In a half-a-way, once we understand we are stuck we try to get out as same problems in our life once we are half-a- way with any problem we like to get out… Instead of finding a hard way out… Let’s get back to the way we came in… The source of the problem that will help…

Please don’t crowd your mind and suffocate yourself… Live your life with a free mind… Show love and kindness to all…

Have a Great Day Ahead…

Posted in Happy, Life, love, Positive, Uncategorized


What’s your belief?

Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, or any other religion? It is a very sensitive topic to many… Even some times to me personally. I am a believer…

Last weekend when I went shopping with my friend we were having lunch at one hotpot shop at the mall… Out of topic to speak, we were having a long silence. Suddenly I asked how humans came into the world… There you go… It all started like that only…

We started speaking about how a man would learn cooking for the first time, How lonely he would have been in those times… Then we started talking about the theory of how man evolved from monkey… Like I never gave much thought about these things ever… But after discussing she told me something about some random museum and all…

Then we were speaking about the universe how things are built… How each and every invention is made almost like everything… Then to the sensitive topic GOD… We exchanged many thoughts and disagreed with many too… ( I don’t want to mention many here)… Then we concluded saying maybe God is not real… People made it because it is never proven scientifically like that… We also talked about we may be aliens on one planet. Real people or some other things original species may like in the other like that.

After having lunch… When we were about to move I said maybe GOD is not scientifically proven but it is based on belief right. She agreed she said if we don’t believe or hold on to anything then humans will not be human anymore… We will be killing each other every passing second… I laughed and send to me GOD is LOVE nothing else… The belief of love is god to me and I am a believer… She said yeah I agree with you…

So we concluded GOD is there on our belief… Even though not physically… Things beyond our power and imaginations some superior power holds everything… Let’s put our belief in that and stay kind and lovable to others we decided and started our shopping…

Posted in Happy, Happy, Life, love, Positive, Uncategorized

Daily Routine…

  1. Make your bed every morning it’s not taking too much time… I just started before few months only but it feels good and active… The most important room looks clean…<a href="http://<head&gt;<head><script data-ad-client=”ca-pub-9120735842403014″ async src=””></script></head&gt;
  2. Try doing Meditation for a few minutes even though in beginning we can’t get hold of our wandering thoughts but eventually it gets better day by day it’s like fueling our mind to think fresh… May be exercise also… Just give a try for one week if possible…
  3. Eat something you like that makes your day with positiveness and refreshed.
  4. Be sportive, smile even though things irritate you instead of being upset smile. I felt that change… It will be helpful
  5. Don’t panic if something goes wrong none of the problems is the end of your life… Everything will have a solution… Nothing values your life so try to be focused on the solution.
  6. Find the source of the problem that will help you to get rid of it as soon as possible.
  7. Try to be kind to greet your office security or housemaids or any strangers if possible… One day you greet them they’ll smile at you forever… You’ll realize it’s value when you were having a bad day.
  8. Give some time for fun each day watch something you like maybe some comedy or prank show treat your self with a laugh… You needed it.
  9. Try to be potential, complete at least one scheduled work you’ll make it a habit in the future.
  10. Finally to have a good day try to sleep on time… Mobile plays a big role in all our life now… It is not easy to give up on our mobile to sleep… But you needed it and you deserve to have a good day… A little sacrifice goes to sleep on time you’ll thank yourself for the change.

Everything is in my thoughts and routine… But maybe it will differ for many…

Have a Good day.

Posted in Feelings, Happy, Hurt, Innocence, Life, Loss, love, pain, Positive, Uncategorized

A Letter to My Love…

Dear Sifo,

I would like to express all my feelings for you so I am writing this… We really never had any time for a real connection or having a conversation. The time we met always ends with fights and misunderstandings. I am sorry I play a major role in those misunderstandings. I did not listen to you. It’s my fault that I can be never reversed.

It’s been 10 years today since I lost you, the grief never passes on. I quit trying and accepted as a part of my life. I still remember the day like it’s today after hearing you are no more in my life I am never going to see you back anymore it broke me I am still broken. The weight still I can feel.

I don’t have many words to express how I feel. But, whenever I wanted to think about something good in my life it goes right back to you only you. You gave me hell a lot of beautiful memories than anyone will ever have. I am sorry I missed you. I am sorry I did not come to see you one last time. I never had that courage to see you like that. Your beautiful eyes closed not looking at me or searching for me in that crowd. I am a coward I never know to handle your loss.

All these years I feel like I have a hole in my heart or life which can be never changed. I am not a strong girl now. I think I am broke I don’t know how to fix me. You wished all happiness in my life. I am not happy a day will never pass without thinking about you. I should have been good. Still, I don’t get what you like from me. I never had a chance to know it too. You are the only person who never hurt me.

All I wanted to tell you I miss you. I miss those passing glances and quick peeks. I miss those searching phase in those crowds. I miss those walking up for each other to meet your eyes for those seconds. I really miss seeing you. Feeling your presence. Feeling your rare smile. Miss your voice. Miss waiting for your arrival. Miss speaking about you all day long without getting bored. I miss you.

I wish may your soul rest in peace. Always I will miss you. And this pain will never go because it reminds me of you.

Finally, I wanted to tell you those words I never get to tell you I LOVE YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING… The unsaid love of my life.

Posted in Feelings, Happy, Happy, Life, love, Positive, Uncategorized

My Stress Buster

I will call him he will not answer… I will call again and again saying myself this will be the last call he will not answer… Angry me… Go send text in a paragraph… Message not seen he is not online… Ok, I will tell to myself… Again a few minutes later call him… Send an angry text saying you don’t care me you don’t need me so and so…

Decided not to speak anymore… BREAKUP

Few minutes once check for the message, Last one call from him? I will attend the call say it is not working anymore so I need a break and I am BREAKING UP with you… Lash out my anger I will tell myself…

A few hours later he will send a text “Hlw” “Dere” “Call” I will see the message in instant… I will pause for some seconds I will call…

He: Hello
Angry Me: Hello
He: You called me
Angry Me: Yes
He: What happened, talk to me normally
Angry Me: Nothing
He: For nothing, you called so many times? Tell me what happened
Angry Me: I said nothing
He: I am sorry I was doing (all his reasons for not answering and nor replying)
10 minutes of explaining
Angry Me: I said Nothing
He: What you want me to do now? I told you everything now tell me why did you call so many times
15 minutes of explaining and asking
Angry Me: Nothing important… I have done it by myself no thanks
He: Then why are you angry with me?
Angry Me: There goes… Lash out all my anger in that instant…
20 minutes without break shouting
He: Okay tell me what happened why you called me so many times what’s wrong
Calm Me: Explain everything
He: Comforts and change the topic to something humorous make me laugh

That call will last for a minimum of more than an hour… All I remember after the call was how the issue is sorted out and now I am smiling and feeling better… He is always been my Stress Buster sometimes I will think of walking away from him but every time when I am feeling low or hurt he will be the only one who stands for me… Even though he is always late I can’t do anything without him…

Do you have someone like this in your life? Then you are lucky…